Everything ready but still… waiting!

It has been a while since you have heard from us, but we have certainly not been sitting still. The first two rounds of youngsters have been bred and are currently training very hard.

At the moment, of course, they only fly in circles around the house. We all know the cause of this, the coronavirus.

The virus somehow affects each of us, and that is also the case for the pigeon sport. We can’t train pigeons at the moment, and even worse, the season can’t start.

We are following updates from the KBDB and the National Security Council closely and hope that once the virus has gotten better under control, we can move forward with our sport that we all love so much.

The youngsters have had their vaccinations. Twice the product for paramyxo, herpes and adeno has been administered. One vaccination against the rotavirus.

Of the 118 weaned youngsters, 103 are still in the lofts. Some have been retrieved from the neighborhood. One day some of the youngsters hung in the wires, 4 of them were hurt and 3 didn’t came back.

We patched up those who have returned, and they are already flying again!

Furthermore, here are some pictures from the past weeks:

Click to see the full picture!