Ace Pigeon 2002
Fond club Antwerp Yearling
BE 99-6563879
BE 97-6423531
Ace Pigeon 2002
Fond club Antwerp Yearling
Dourdan '01 | #25 out of 1.952 | |
Orleans '01 | #168 out of 10.134 | Provincial |
Gueret | #47 out of 8.635 | Provincial |
Bourges '02 | #14 out of 172 | Houtvenne |
Bourges '02 | #42 out of 3.314 | Provincial |
Bourges '02 | #47 out of 5.029 | Flanders |
Bourges '02 | #52 out of 8.635 | Zone B |
Bourges '02 | #118 out of 16.945 | National |
Chateroux '02 | #281 out of 2.940 | Provincial |
La Soutterraine '02 | #7 out of 123 | Houtvenne |
La Soutterraine '02 | #38 out of 2.508 | Provincial |
Limoges '02 | #111 out of 3.842 | Provincial |
Limoges '02 | #152 out of 5.757 | Flanders |
Limoges '02 | #256 out of 9.119 | Zone B |
Limoges '02 | #1147 out of 24.479 | National |